CSS Based Design |
With Cascading Style Sheets, your content will be accessible to all browsing devices, past and present. That means everything from Lynx to web-enabledto all devices.when you want to create a CSS based design ‘Content Is King’.Everything begins with the content. Everything else is layered on top.Your finished page will have layers of presentation piled one on top of the other.Standards compliant browsers will see a beautiful many-layered page. Browsers with partial CSS support will see a partially layered page. Older browsers and search engine robots would not see the layers of presentation but they will see the page. The process of adding these layers is called progressive enhancement. The result of allowing those layers to be stripped away without affecting your content is called graceful degradation. The first and most important step on the road to CSS based design is having semantically correct mark-up.Put headings and subheadings into heading tags like H1,H2,…..etc If, on the other hand, you want to apply a style selectively, then you are going to need to add either a class or an ID to the tag. the style you have to describe as you want on your page by describing height,width,textcolor,font size,family etc…. |