How To Get More Subscribers For Your Blog?

There are countless things in the world you can blog about. You can write about fashion, automobiles, travel, marketing or any other niche. No matter what the topic is, there is one common purpose for writing them. It is to reach out to a target audience and have them read the blogs.

Attracting traffic is something blogs are great at doing. Only as long as the content in them is relevant and has a good quality language. That said, it is vital to stabilize and retain website traffic to your blogs. One effective way of doing that is by getting more subscribers. Let’s dive into the how.

7 Tips to Get More Subscribers for Your Blog

1. Publish value-adding blog posts

Blog visitors read posts to learn something from them. Giving them something memorable will make your audience want to subscribe to your blog. Ask yourself if your writing is addressing the pain points of your readers. Another question worth asking yourself is how does your content benefit your readers. By writing blogs that answer those questions positively, your readers will be more than happy to subscribe and stay updated with your blog posts.

2. Create a persuasive landing page

Another effective way to increase your blog subscriber count is by creating a comprehensive subscriber landing page. On there, elaborate on the advantages readers will get after subscribing to your blog. Additional content like mentioning how many subscribers you already have and what pain points you will further pique the interest of your readers. This landing page also gives you space for featuring advertisements and social media profile buttons.

3. Incentivize readers

Sometimes people won’t budge to subscription persuasion tactics, regardless of how informative your blog posts are. In this scenario, it is a good idea to go ahead and incentivize your readers. Offer something special in return for a subscription. Exclusive content is what bloggers usually provide to woo their readers. That includes ebooks, cheat sheets, lucky draws, and more. Incentives give website visitors powerful reasons to follow your blog posts.

4. Publish guest blogs

Regularly posting blogs on your website is one way of attracting subscribers. To further accelerate the number of subscribers to your blog, it helps to write guest blogs. The websites you would write for will already have a large audience. By adding a link to your original blog page, ideally in your bio, there will be a high chance for the website’s audience to subscribe to your blog.

5. Add CTAs in blogs

Direct people who read your content through till the very end to subscribe to your blog. By adding a CTA titled such as ‘Stay Updated’, enthusiastic readers will click on it. Link the CTA to your subscription landing page. On reaching there, readers will have a complete picture of what they will get from subscribing to your blog. This tactic has an impeccable potential to double your subscriber count.

6. Use pop-ups

A conversion-driving tactic to increase the number of subscribers your blog has is by using pop-ups. But make sure that it does not hamper the reading experience. It is a good idea to trigger the pop-up after a user spends at least a minute reading or browsing through your blog. It significantly increases the chances of them agreeing to subscribe. Some alternatives to pop-ups are floating bars, slide-ins, and inline opt-ins.

7. Test and optimize

Finally, modify different elements of your blog and analyze how your readers respond to it. A simple change of a button’s location can make all the difference in your blog. A simple tweak of the content on your opt-in forms can result in a spike in subscriptions. Optinmonster is a website optimization toolkit for performing surgical A/B testing. Using that, you can get insights into what drives more subscribers. Optimizing your blog according to that will get you more subscribers.

Key Takeaways

With a large subscriber base, any new blog you post will immediately reach its intended audience. It helps drive steady traffic to your website. That way, you needn’t spend too much time promoting your content. Using the techniques mentioned in this article, you will attract a quality audience to your website, and at the same time, will also convince them to subscribe to your blog. Put them into effect today!